The Pilates Goddess Podcast

14. Make An Impact In Your Pilates Business with Alison Marsh

Lynda Lippin Season 1 Episode 14

This episode is so full of actionable, effective advice for Pilates teachers!

I've known Alison Marsh from Pregnancy Pilates Impact for about 20 years, and we have never met in real life. In fact, this was our first conversation where we actually saw each other!

Whether you want learn more about teaching pre and post-natal clients (listen for some great advice on how to help your post-natal clients stop leaking urine when they sneeze), or about money, mindset, and setting up a Pilates business that you love, we cover it in this episode.

And yes, we dive into the neutral spine and neutral pelvis discussion.


The Perinatal Pilates IMPACTER Teaching Camp -

Pilates Profit-Boosting Formula

How to Keep Perinatal Clients SAFE

The Pregnancy Pilates Impact Academy Interest List

Find Alison on Social Media:

Instagram: @Pregnancy.Pilates.Impact

Vimeo Video:


Music by Nerd Salad
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